Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data

The data covered by the privacy policy and the information that we require from the guest:

Name, address, email address, phone number and payment, invoices and other data necessary for providing customer service . At any time the customer can unsubscribe from our mailing list an explicit statement, after which the Villa Hetti will not use your data.

The purpose of the obtaining data

All the information obtained from used exclusively for the most effective response to the guest’s request, ensure the provision of the required services, the promotion of our services, our internal statistical analysis, the possibility of sending publications, brochures and other promotional materials. Villa Hetti ensures that the collected data be used only for such purposes.

Privacy Policy Period

In the moment when the customer submits its data, he/she agrees to contact him/her and get on our mailing list. The moment of entering your data constitutes your agreement to the contact.

Privacy Policy Content

We do not sell, rent or give your information to third-party legal and physical persons without your consent, because it is against our privacy policy. Villa Hetti is not responsible for accidental errors or due to force majeure, or other objective circumstances that could accidentally violate the guarantee protection of your data. But we guarantee that the error will be corrected, if possible, as quickly as possible and that the guest will be informed about it.

Cookies and Internet technologies

As is the case with many other portals, and our can use “cookies” and other technologies that simplify our delivery of content depending on the areas of interest of the customer, processing reservations or requests, and / or analyzing the characteristics of your visit. Cookies by themselves cannot be used for the detection of personal identity.

Protection of Children’s Personal Data

Villa Hetti does not want and does not intend to collect personal information from persons under the age of 14 years. Personal data of the child and the parents will be deleted from our database if the parents request it. A parent or guardian always has the right to request access to any personal information about your child that we got from one of our sites, or remove the data (if the data is still in our database) and / or prohibit our future collection and use of information about your child. If you are a parent and wish to exercise this right, please contact us.

Change the Data and the Right to be forgotten

At any time, the customer can request a review of their personal data, as well as to update, correct or completely delete all data.